Our Product Team has been hard at work developing new features for you to enjoy on LENS. A lot of these features are a result of our user's feedback, so thank you for sending us your ideas!
⭐️Upgraded Editor⭐️
We've upgraded the editor on LENS- for Updates and Aims. You can also pin/unpin the Update as well as display in kiosk mode from the editor itself.
⭐️A3 Is Now Live in LENS⭐️
You now have different diagram options for your Process Improvement section of LENS. You can create an A3 directly in LENS by going to your Aims page, selecting the three dots on the right side, Create Aim, and then Create A3 Document.
You'll notice that you can upload different types of documents by selecting the "more rich" icon.
You can also upload your own A3.
*Please note- this feature is available upon request to your unit. If you would like to have A3's in your Aim section, please click on the "Help" button and let us know.
⭐️Card Creation Date is now shown on the face of the issue card ⭐️
⭐️Undo the last movement of a card⭐️
You can undo the last movement of a card by clicking the undo button. Please note, this will only work for the very last movement made on a card, but not the card before that.
⭐️You can now move an issue to another board that you have access to⭐️
If you are a member of multiple boards, you now have the ability to move a card to another board.
⭐️The Search page has been redesigned with the following changes⭐️
The filters are available on the page at all times just beneath the input field. Previously, these were available in a sidebar that had to be opened/closed.
A "Clear All" button now exists to return all filters to their default state. Your search terms will remain even after clearing your filters.
The Board filter has been made more robust with search functionality and the ability to group Boards under a Facility name. This will make it easier to select several Boards at once that all belong to the same group.
By default, the following two options are excluded from the search, but you can toggle them on to be included in your search:
You can look through the archives in your search by selecting "more filters" and then "include archives".
You can also include issues in your search from lists that are excluded from the reports (i.e. "Three Good Things", "Community", and "I'm In" lists).
⭐️You can hide sections of the Today Page⭐️
If you ever feel like you need more real estate on your Today page for announcements or for displaying your process improvement goals, you can now hide sections of the today page. To do so, select the three dots in the upper right hand corner of the Today page, and toggle/untoggle the sections you'd like displayed.
As always, please reach out on the Help Button to ask us any questions, provide any feedback, or let us know what you would like to see in LENS.