Here is what is new in the latest version of LENS (Version v2023.4.0)
Navigate LENS with a fresh look and feel.
Icons and animations on the left-hand navigation bar have been updated to reflect the newest designs in LENS.
Welcome to LENS through Email
The welcome email for newly added users to LENS has been improved to display the LENS logo and include easier to understand instructions for setting a new password and logging into LENS for the first time.
Hashtags must be unique
For the Issues page and surveys, LENS requires any assigned hashtag to be unique. Now it is also the case with hashtags on the Measure survey’s page.
In-App Notifications for Approve Access
Approve Access notifications now appear in app (as well as through email). A red dot will appear on your profile image and the profile page will give an option to “view” the requests to approve.
Bye Bye Search Page Bug
The search page would break upon refreshing the browser. This bug is fixed.