navigate to the Today Page
locate the Update you would like to feature on Kiosk mode from the Today page the Admin Page
select the ⋮ 3 dot menu to open the Update
modalcheck the box next to the text, "Show in kiosk mode"
the Update is now added to the rotation of slides on Kiosk Mode
the 🖥️ TV icon on the Update (Admin Page only) indicates that the issue is currently being displayed in Kiosk Mode
How to view the issue in Kiosk Mode:
click on the ☰ hamburger menu to open the sidebar menu
scroll down and select
Kiosk Mode
rotate through the slides to find your newly added issue being displayed in Kiosk Mode
Managers can now see both voice cards and Today Page updates in Kiosk Mode. The Today updates displayed in Kiosk Mode include a thumbnail image and the title of the update for easy identification. Users have the flexibility to remove items from Kiosk Mode; however, it remains a view-only and remove list, meaning you cannot add additional items to Kiosk Mode from this page.