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Abbreviated Training for LENS Managers
Abbreviated Training for LENS Managers

LENS 101 Read Time: 0-60 minutes

Aya Dijkwel avatar
Written by Aya Dijkwel
Updated over a year ago

Welcome Managers

LENS™ (Learning and ENgagement System) is a patent pending, revolutionary platform that enables leaders and managers to communicate effectively and visibly “close the loop” on ideas and concerns shared by frontline teams, enabling real-time coordination and improvement. This deepens engagement from frontline teams who now have “voice, visibility and ownership” in shaping their unit’s culture, performance and care delivery.

Logging In

LENS is a web-based application which means you can log in from any web-connected device. Interact with LENS on the physical LENS board in your unit, on your personal desktop, a tablet, or a mobile device.

  • open a web browser (we recommend Chrome or Edge)

  • navigate to your LENS Board's URL

  • log in using your work email

Navigation Bar

The navigation bar on the left side of the page allows users to navigate around LENS. The "hamburger menu" on the top left expands the navigation bar to reveal even more navigation options.

Help Button

Use the help button to access a library of self-help articles or speak with the Client Experience team directly.

NOTE: Any problems with the actual hardware (the nuts & bolts or the physical components of the board) should be directed to your local IT.

Pinned vs Unpinned Updates

Managers have the ability to add updates to the Today Page. Pinned Updates occupy an entire panel on the Today Page while Unpinned Updates can be found as an abbreviated version in the Updates panel.

Add an Update

Updates on the Today Page facilitate communication and shared knowledge.

  • navigate to the Today Page

  • click the + quick add button

  • add a title and content in the text box

  • click save

NOTE: if you do not see the + quick add button, this means you do not have the proper roles and permission to use this feature. Only managers and edit content users have the ability to add Updates on the Today Page

3 Dots Means More

The 3-dot menu reveals more options for more functions pertaining to its related feature in LENS. On the Voice Page, for example, you will notice 3-dot menus in several locations but each serves a specific purpose based on the location where it is found.

Example: the 3-dot menu on the corner of the huddles panel provides more options for huddles while the 3-dot menu on the corner of an update provides more options for that specific update.

Rearrange Panels

As a LENS board is used more and more by the users, the Today Page will begin to reflect the culture of the unit. This is partially because of the many options for customization that LENS provides. Managers have the ability to rearrange panels on in a way that makes the most sense for their team.

Start a Huddle

Huddles are an important piece of the Today Page. The Huddles Panel can help facilitate and keep record of huddles for your unit.

  • navigate to the Today Page

  • click the START TIMER button

  • optionally take notes and record number of huddle participants


View and Edit Huddles

Managers have the ability to edit existing huddles and view records of previous huddles.

  • navigate to the Today Page

  • locate the Huddles panel and select the 3-dot menu

  • select View Previous Huddles

Create a Huddle

Huddles are easy to create and customize to your needs.

  • navigate to the Today Page

  • locate the Huddles panel and select the 3-dot menu

  • select Settings

  • make instantly-saved edits to existing huddles or scroll down to ADD HUDDLE to create a new one

Voice Page

The Voice Page is an important space for collaborating across the entire team. Unlike the Today Page, anyone can post on the Voice Page. This helps create psychological safety, gives a platform for users to share the pebbles in their shoes, holds leadership accountable to respond to these issues/ideas, and keeps information organized.

Add a Card

It is important that any and every LENS user feels comfortable submitting their voice to the Voice Page. To help facilitate the use of this page, LENS has made it very easy to add a card from any device. Add a new card from the physical LENS Touchscreen board, as an email from your desktop, or even from a mobile device using the texting feature. With these many options, users have the freedom to choose whatever method fits their workflow best.

Video Disclaimer: The look and feel of the Voice Page (formerly known as the Issues Page) has been updated since the release of this video. Functionality remains essentially the same.

Move a Card

Move a card by dragging and dropping within the page or use the 3-dot menu to find the function used to move an card across other tabs and boards that you have access to.

  • navigate to the Voice Page and locate the card you would like to move

  • select the 3-dot menu of the card you would like to move

  • select Move Card

  • use the drop down menus to select the new location for the card

Video Disclaimer: The look and feel of the Voice Page (formerly known as the Issues Page) has been updated since the release of this video. Functionality remains essentially the same.

Profile and Settings

User specific customizations can be found on the Profile and Settings page.

  • locate and select your profile picture or initials at the bottom left of the main navigation bar

  • customize your options under Profile and Settings

Anonymity in LENS

Anonymity in LENS is a powerful feature that allows users to decide when their texted in cards and survey responses are associated with their name and account.

  • navigate to your Settings page by clicking your avatar at the bottom of the navigation bar

  • under Mobile Settings, toggle your SMS settings to turn anonymity 'on' or 'off'.

Notification Settings

Notifications in LENS are in the from of Emails. Users can customize the frequency and volume of these emails and only receive notifications on activities they are interested in.

  • click your avatar (an image or your initials on the bottom left)

  • click settings

  • customize your notifications with toggles and the dropdown menu

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