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Export User List

How do I obtain a list of users for my clinic? How can I export users to excel (.xlsx) files.

Aya Dijkwel avatar
Written by Aya Dijkwel
Updated over a week ago
  • navigate to the User's Page (from the sidebar menu)

  • click the archive export icon to the right of the search bar

  • a Creating your file and File Downloaded bubble will appear at the bottom left side of the screen to confirm successful action

Each board is organized into separate sheets.
Users information included in the export file:

  • id

  • name

  • email

  • member (t/f)

  • core user (t/f)

  • manager (t/f)

  • content editor (t/f)

  • last login (date)

  • name id (t/f)

  • remove user (t/f)

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