Users have the ability to filter reports by date range
Today: Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the current day and continues for up to 24 hours.
Last 7 days: Starts at 12:00:00 AM 7 days before the current day and continues up to the current second. (The range includes today.)
Last 14 days: Starts at 12:00:00 AM 14 days before the current day and continues up to the current second. (The range includes today.)
Last 28 days: Starts at 12:00:00 AM 28 days before the current day and continues up to the current second. (The range includes today.)
Last 60 days: Starts at 12:00:00 AM 60 days before the current day and continues up to the current second. (The range includes today.)
Last 90 days: Starts at 12:00:00 AM 90 days before the current day and continues up to the current second. (The range includes today.)
Last 365 days: Starts at 12:00:00 AM 365 days before the current day and continues up to the current second. (The range includes today.)
Custom Range: Start and end time is determined by user input.