navigate to the Voice Page
select the 3 dot menu for the list you would like to sort
Sort List
choose from the many sorting options
Sort List by:
Aims - sorts alphabetically based on name of attached aim(s); toggle for ascending/descending order
Alphabetical - sorts alphabetically based on the card title; case sensitive; toggle for ascending/descending order
Creation Date - sorts chronologically based on the create date of the card; toggle for ascending/descending order
Last Modified Date - sorts cards based on which one has the latest activity present on the card for ascending/descending order
Due Date - sorts chronologically by due date assigned to the card; toggle for ascending/descending order
Flagged for Leadership - sorts based on wether or not the "flagged for leadership" toggle is on; toggle sort to switch order
Likes - sorts numerically based on the upvotes associated with the card; toggle for ascending/descending order
Team Member Count - sorts numerically based on number of team members assigned to card; toggle for ascending/descending order
Along with the sort options, users have the ability to sort cards by moving them:
Drag and drop (or move card on mobile)
β Move Card - from the 3-dot menu of a card; select to move the card to another board, tab, or list you have access to in LENS
β Move List - from the 3-dot menu of a list; select to move the card to another board, tab, or list you have access to in LENS