The Huddles tile on the Reports page helps track and analyze team huddle efforts.
When viewing this tile at the unit or board level, it displays a rollup of all huddles. The option to view each huddle individually is also provided. If a huddle was created without a name, it will be labeled as “Untitled.”
Huddles Held: the total number of huddles held within the filters selected.
Median Huddle Time: the median length of huddles held within the filters selected, measured in minutes.
At the bottom of each key metric on the Reports page, you'll find trend indicators designed to provide a quick visual summary of performance changes over time. These indicators compare the current time period's data to the previous time period, showing whether there has been improvement, no change, or a decline. Here's what each indicator means:
Green Up Arrow (▲): Indicates an improvement or increase in the metric compared to the previous period.
Grey Circle (●): Indicates no change in the metric between the current and previous periods.
Orange Down Arrow (▼): Indicates a decrease or decline in the metric compared to the previous period.
These trend indicators make it easy to assess progress at a glance and quickly identify areas that may require attention or celebration.
Note: On the admin page, there is an option to mark a huddle as “Optional (don’t track in reports).” Huddles marked with this setting will not appear on the Reports page.