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Create an A3 Aim

How do I build an A3?

Aya Dijkwel avatar
Written by Aya Dijkwel
Updated over 3 years ago
  • navigate to the Improvement Page

  • click the 3-dot menu on the top right of the screen

  • select Create Aim

  • select the A3 Document type

From here, add information such as

  • title

  • due date

  • team leader

  • team members

  • stakeholders

  • labels

Also add steps 1-8

  1. Problem statement (clarify the problem)

  2. Performance gaps (breakdown the problem)

  3. Set improvement target

  4. Determine root causes

  5. Develop prioritized project (countermeasures)

  6. Implement projects (countermeasures)

  7. Monitor performance and confirm results

  8. Sustain success transfer knowledge sustain success

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