Accepted file types for cards on the Voice Page:
.jpg, .png, .tiff, .pdf, .docx, .txt, .jpg, .png, .tiff, .pdf, .docx, .txt, .doc, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx, .rtf, .gif, .svg, .webp, .mov, .mp4, and .csv
Note: only image file types can be added as card cover
Accepted file types when uploading Aims:
.pdf, .jpg, .svg, .gif, .ico, .webp
Accepted file types when uploading image Measures:
.jpg, .png, .gif, .svg, .ico, .webp
Accepted file types when uploading attachments to Updates on the Today Page:
Documents (displays as a link when pasted in or selected from the file selector)
.doc, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx, .rtf, .odp, .ods,. odt,
Audio (displays as a link when pasted in or selected from the file selector)
.mp3, .ogg, .wav
Other (displays as a link when pasted in or selected from the file selector)
.csv, .json, .xml, .htm, .zip,
jpg (can copied and pasted in as an embedded image. can also be inserted from the file selector as an embedded image)
png (can copied and pasted in as an embedded image. can also be inserted from the file selector as an embedded image)
gif (can be copied and pasted in as an embedded image. can also be selected from the file selector but the embedded image inserts at the bottom of the textfield.)
svg (cannot be pasted in. can be inserted from the file selector as an embedded image)
ico (cannot be pasted in, must be selected from the file selector to embed image)
webp (can copied and pasted in as an embedded image. can also be inserted from the file selector as an embedded image)
tiff (can be copied and pasted in as an embedded image. cannot be embedded from the file selector)
avi (cannot be pasted in, must be selected from the file selector)
mov (cannot be pasted in, must be selected from the file selector)
mp4 (displays as embedded image when pasted in, or displays as a link when selected from the file selector)
ogg (displays as a link when pasted in or selected from the file selector)
wmv (cannot be pasted in, must be selected from the file selector)
webm (displays as embedded image when pasted in, or displays as a link when selected from the file selector)